2014-01-22 19:27:46 UTC
I want to unmount a zfs-datasets tree and disable automount across reboot
or reimport, but i do not want to change mountpoint property. 'canmount'
can resolve the task, but the prop cannot be inherited, so i need to set
'canmount=off/noauto' for each dataset, that is not comfortable.
Could somebody explain why 'canmount' property was made 'non-inheritable' ?
I read the man page for 'zfs' and a
https://blogs.oracle.com/eschrock/entry/new_zfs_features but cannot
understand why the descibed cases did not allow to do the property
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I want to unmount a zfs-datasets tree and disable automount across reboot
or reimport, but i do not want to change mountpoint property. 'canmount'
can resolve the task, but the prop cannot be inherited, so i need to set
'canmount=off/noauto' for each dataset, that is not comfortable.
Could somebody explain why 'canmount' property was made 'non-inheritable' ?
I read the man page for 'zfs' and a
https://blogs.oracle.com/eschrock/entry/new_zfs_features but cannot
understand why the descibed cases did not allow to do the property
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