system hangs up after yank two disks during data copying
2014-03-19 09:45:06 UTC
Hi everyone,

I noticed that under some conditions that the illumos will hang up, very
easy to reproduce:
Just create a healthy RAIDz1 pool and copying some data(here I enabled cifs
and then yank two drives.
the system will not respond to any command even you can't login to the

I see someone already fired such a bug, but seems no update:
Does any one know what happened or is this a ISSUE?
BTW, if there's no data copy, I can use *zpool clear* to recover the pool
and everything looks just fine.

Thanks in advance!
Best Regards
Bob Lu

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Richard Elling
2014-03-20 00:46:13 UTC
Post by lubo1720
Hi everyone,
Just create a healthy RAIDz1 pool and copying some data(here I enabled cifs share),
and then yank two drives.
the system will not respond to any command even you can't login to the system.
How long did you wait? Default timeouts are 3 minutes before ZFS will declare
the pool as faulted.
-- richard
Post by lubo1720
Does any one know what happened or is this a ISSUE?
BTW, if there's no data copy, I can use zpool clear to recover the pool and everything looks just fine.
Thanks in advance!
Best Regards
Bob Lu
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